

         OUR MISSION


In early 2022, the 360 Media Alliance with the mission of assisting local community media become more local, was merged into Truly-Local creating a joint effort and support system for local communities.


Their mission is simple, help communities, chambers, and media companies build the synergies needed to survive. None of the three can do this on their own, working together critical to success. Truly-Local provides that framework for this success.



Local communities, business and media are struggling, our simple solutions addresses many of the community needs.


We help COMMUNITIES grow revenue

We help local BUSINESSES grow

We assist local MEDIA in building synergies

We nurture a TRULY-LOCAL mindset

We build an ARMY of resources

We NURTURE  your ideas and ours

We bring your community TOGETHER


Strategies that combat obstacles in  your community, channeling  you to success. 

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TRULY-LOCAL is not Just a Company, it is a National movement! Investors look for communities with excitement & energy to invest in. They know excitement and energy coupled with dollars truly transformations. 


TRULY-LOCAL is dedicated to assisting in  reversing the outflow of local dollars flowing to national digital and e-commerce enterprises. Simply put, we help the MEDIA, COMMUNITIES, and BUSINESSES bring those dollars back to their local communities. As importantly, it assists in building excitement and energy, both vital to attract dollars to revitalize & transform.

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17 September 2024
While I have addressed the issue of the poverty mindset in previous columns, one can’t discuss it too often as
11 September 2024
Lately I have felt the need to write a column on how local communities can weather a potential National economic
02 September 2024
I’ve used this quote before, but it bears repeating. Albert Einstein said, “The world as we have created it is
26 August 2024
I Community development is a complex process that requires a multifaceted approach. By applying Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to
19 August 2024
Small communities can harness the power of imagination marketing to create more vibrancy and attract both residents and visitors. This